Native American Quotes

Text Quotes
May your life be like a wildflower growing freely in the beauty and joy of each day (Native American Quotes)
Beware of the man who does not talk, and the dog that does not bark (Native American Quotes)
Our first teacher is our own heart (Native American Quotes)
A good chief gives, he does not take (Native American Quotes)
All who have died are equal (Native American Quotes)
A man must make his own arrows (Native American Quotes)
The supreme law of the land is the Great Spirit's law, not man's law (Native American Quotes)
I have been to the end of the Earth, I have been to the end of the waters, I have been to the end of the sky, I have been to the end of the mountains, I have found none that are not my friends (Native American Quotes)
Every animal knows more than you do (Native American Quotes)
White men have too many chiefs (Native American Quotes)
To touch the Earth is to have harmony with nature (Native American Quotes)
The bird who has eaten cannot fly with the bird that is hungry (Native American Quotes)
When we show our respect for other living things, they respond with respect for us (Native American Quotes)
Take only what you need and leave the land as you found it (Native American Quotes)
The weakness of the enemy makes our strength (Native American Quotes)
Do not judge your neighbor until you walk two moons in his moccasins (Native American Quotes)
A good soldier is a poor scout (Native American Quotes)
No river can return to its source, yet all rivers must have a beginning (Native American Quotes)
Where no one intrudes, many can live in harmony (Native American Quotes)
Life is greater than you have ever known it (Native American Quotes)
Native Americans are the original inhabitants of the land that now constitutes the United States. They have helped develop the fundamental principles of freedom of speech and separation of powers that form the foundation of the United States Government (Native American Quotes)
Second, this epic tale allows the audience to actually listen to the Native Americans and receive their wisdom. Spielberg conveys the respect for Native Americans that is normally lacking in Western films (Native American Quotes)
It is important that Congress works to promote home ownership in Indian Country. These federal housing funds and programs will help young Native American families to stay on tribal lands in order to live, work and raise a family (Native American Quotes)
I love Caribbean food. It’s a great melting pot of so many cultures including the Native Americans (Native American Quotes)
I have good genes. My father is Danish and my mother is Irish and Native American. They both have good skin (Native American Quotes)
Music is a performing art, as any Native American will tell you. It isn’t there in the score (Native American Quotes)
The Native American side was tragic. It’s just unbelievable what has happened to them (Native American Quotes)
I like Celtic folk music, Native American music, and any kind of early music. There isn’t a lot of music that I don’t like... except for Show Tunes (Native American Quotes)
American football seems to resemble soccer in that one scores by putting the ball through the opponent’s goal; but football, truly is about land. The Settlers want to move the line of scrimmage Westward, the Native Americans want to move it East (Native American Quotes)
A bit of advice Given to a young Native American At the time of his initiation: As you go the way of life, You will see a great chasm. Jump. It is not as wide as you think (Native American Quotes)